Human Touch Novo XT2 Massage Chair Review

Human Touch Novo XT2 Massage Chair Review


Back Massage


Foot Massage


Air Compression Massage


User Flexibility (Height/Weight)


Value For Money



  • Stupendous User Flexibility! This Chair Can Accommodate Users Ranging From 5'0-6'9 ft!
  • For A Chair This Big, It Only Needs 2'' Of Wall Clearance!
  • Comes Programmed With An Outrageous 35 Auto Modes!


  • Pricing Is Way Outta Whack! (In My Opinion)

Let’s Clear Up Some Confusion Before We Go Any Further!

Today we look at a model that has established and propelled Human Touch as one of the most reputable massage chair brands. In many ways, it’s the creme de la creme of what Human Touch has to offer. It’s their priced Kohinoor diamond, if you will!

The Human Touch Novo XT2: a chair that most people dare to call the best massage chair ever!

In many ways the Novo XT2 is a continuation or upgrade from a previous generation of massage chairs. Before we look at everything the XT2 has to offer, I feel it’s necessary to shed some light on the Novo Ascent generation of massage chairs. Hopefully this will clear some confusion!

The Novo Ascent generation as I like to call it, consists of 3 massage chairs: Novo, Novo XT, and Novo XT2.

Novo—This was the first/oldest chair in the lineup. Unlike the XT and XT2, the original Novo featured a 2D roller design.
Novo XT—An improvement to the original Novo, the Novo XT featured an improved 3D roller design with deep tissue massage.
Novo XT2—How can you take a best seller and make it even better? The XT2 attempts to do just this, as it tries to go one up on the XT!
Human Touch Novo
Human Touch Novo
Human Touch Novo XT
Human Touch Novo XT
Human Touch Novo XT2
Human Touch Novo XT2

The evolution from Novo to XT2 has happened over several years. As of present day (April 2019), both the Novo and XT2 are available for purchase. Yes the original Novo is still available to this day!

Novo XT can still be found for sale online, but Human Touch officially discontinued the model as of July 2018.

If you’re wondering about the specific differences between the Novo, XT, and XT2, don’t fret. I plan on elaborating on these specific differences later on in the post. The rest of this post will be solely focused on reviewing the Novo XT2, as this is the most current chair in the Novo Ascent lineup!


Human Touch Novo XT2: 9 Features That Make This A Contender For Best Massage Chair!

#1 User Flexibility Is Off The Charts!

What is user flexibility? User flexibility is how well a chair can accommodate users of varying height and weight ranges.

User flexibility is something you absolutely must consider before buying a massage chair!

The last thing you wanna end up with is a massage chair that’s uncomfortable to sit on. And if you haven’t already realized, returning/exchanging a massage chair isn’t quite child’s play! For this reason, you wanna be absolutely sure before you pull the trigger.

The Novo XT2 is able to support users with a height range of 5’0-6’9 ft and a maximum weight of 285 lbs!

Novo XT2 Height Range

It’s not the 285 lbs weight load that has me excited, it’s the tremendous height variation! That’s almost 2 feet of range that this chair can accommodate! This is something that already sets apart the XT2 from 95% of massage chairs.

#2 3D Rollers With A 50” Roller Stroke!

One of the biggest differences between the Novo and the XT2 is the roller technology. The original Novo features 2D rollers, the current XT2 model features 3D rollers. What’s the difference in functionality between 2D and 3D?

2D Rollers---How Do They Function?
2D Rollers Move Up/Down & Left/Right

The most oldest and basic roller technology you can find on a massage chair. 2D rollers move in 2 dimensions: they move vertically from neck to back and vice versa, and horizontally across the back from left to right and vice versa.

3D Rollers---How Do They Function?
Not The Best Picture, But You Get The Point!

Considered a fairly new technology, 3D rollers offer a massive improvement to the basic 2D system. In addition to the vertical/horizontal movements (same as 2D rollers), 3D rollers can also protrude inward/outward.

NB: The chair in the above images is NOT the Novo XT2. The images are simply there to illustrate or better explain the different roller systems.

Because of the extra dimension of inward/outward motion, 3D rollers have a greater overall intensity variation compared to 2D rollers.

In other words, 3D rollers can massage both at lower and higher intensities in comparison to 2D rollers!

Now that you know what 2D/3D rollers are and how they function, let’s talk about roller track. There’s 2 things to know about roller track:

Roller Distance/Length—This describes the total distance a set of rollers can traverse from the neck downwards. For the XT2, this distance is 50”.
Roller Curvature/Shape—This describes the shape a set of rollers form as they travel from the neck downwards. For the XT2, this is an “SL” shape.

A quick note about roller curvature/shape: there are 3 types you can find on a massage chair today. These are S-Track, L-Track, and SL-Track.

S-Track is when the rollers tightly contour to the spine’s natural curvature. The result is an “S” shape.
L-Track is when the rollers form an “L” shape as they move from the neck down to the hamstrings.
SL-Track is the best of all. It has an “S” shape from neck to tailbone, and an “L” shape from neck to hamstrings.

Novo XT2 SL-Track

In summary, the XT2 has an impressive set of 3D rollers that can travel 50” from neck to hamstrings forming a tight “SL” contour along the body!

#3 Has A Total Of 35 Auto Programs!

No that’s not a typo. The Novo XT2 does really have a total of 35 auto programs. This is another thing that had me stumped while researching the chair. Why?

It’s incredibly rare to find a massage chair that has 10-15 auto programs, let alone 35!

For those who are new to the world of massage chairs, auto routines are in many ways a deal maker/breaker. There’s only so much you can experience on a chair with 4-5 modes, as the routines quickly become boring and repetitious. On the contrary, 35 different massage routines will have you experimenting for a lifetime!

Novo XT2 Auto Wellness Programs

So what are these 35 routines, and how do they work? Each of the 35 routines are grouped into several different categories: awake, energize, performance, recovery, upper back, lower back, and demo.

    • Awake—This category consists of routines that are specifically tailored for mornings.
    • Energize—This category is predominantly focused on full body stretch routines. It can get pretty intense!
    • Performance—Makes use of the chair’s airbag system to deliver a comprehensive air compression massage.
    • Recovery—Consists of modes that specifically focus on relieving tension in the neck and shoulders.
    • Upper Back—A variety of massage routines/techniques aimed at working the upper back region.
    • Lower Back—A variety of massage routines/techniques aimed at working the lower back region.
    • Demo—Not really a massage mode per say. More so a voice narration of the chair’s features.

In addition to the modes listed above, the XT2 also offers a range of deep tissue programs. These are high intensity routines designed to work deep layers of muscle in the back.

Deep Stretch—A high intensity back stretch designed to really work the entire back!
Deep Breath—A high intensity mode where the rollers pulsate in/out like the breath!
Deep Soothe—Still high intensity, but more soothing and relaxing than the other 2 modes!

The above 3 modes can be further customized by focusing on one of the following:

  • Full—Massages the entire back.
  • Zone—Massages a specified zone.
  • Spot—Massages a specific spot.

You can access each of the above categories right from the main menu by selecting the “AUTO” option. Once you’ve decided on a category, you can drill down to select a routine.

Next you’ll get a prompt to pick a shoulder height. You can pick from 1 (small and narrow) to 9 (large and broad). If you’re tiny, pick a smaller value. If you’re large, pick a higher value. Pretty self explanatory!

That’s basically it, sit back, relax and enjoy!

Note: The full body stretch mode on this chair is known to be one of the best you can find on a massage chair, and as a result has become quite famous in industry!

#4 Space Saving Design (Only Requires 2” Of Wall Clearance!)

For a chair that measures 63”L X 31”W X 43”H, it’s absolutely mind blowing how only 2” of wall clearance is required! Kudos to Human Touch for giving this so much thought and consideration during design. By the way, this is one of those things that have improved from the original Novo to the XT to the XT2!

Novo XT2 Space Saving Design

How is this possible you ask? Human Touch have designed the chair such that it moves freely on a base, instead of moving back and forth like most other massage chairs. This is why only 2” of wall clearance is required!

#5 Ability To Adjust Several Massage Intensity Settings To Suit Your Needs!

Being able to vary massage intensity is a must. Why? What feels comfortable to you, may be too strong for someone else and vice versa.

Intensity is entirely subjective! (what you think is a low intensity massage, may very well be high intensity for someone else!)

I’m pleased to inform you that the Novo XT2 allows you to alter intensity settings for the following:

Back Massage Intensity

You have several options to vary roller back massage intensity. These go from low to moderate to high. The options are as follows:

Soft—The lowest intensity setting. Perfect for a relaxing therapeutic massage!
Levels 2,3 & 4—The higher the level, the greater the intensity!
Strong—AKA deep tissue AKA knock your socks off AKA prepare to feel sore!

Novo XT2 Back Massage Intensity

Foot Roller Speed/Intensity

I think this is a really neat feature Human Touch have incorporated into the XT2. Most massage chairs don’t offer the flexibility of altering foot roller speed, so this is a massive advantage for the XT2 as far as I’m concerned. What are your options?

Slow—Low intensity especially good for those with sensitive feet.
Medium—For those who wanna take it up a notch, pick this setting.
Fast—Only for seasoned veterans! Expect an intense massage!
Off—If foot massage is not your thing, simply turn the rollers off!

Bonus Feature: if the fastest roller speed is not intense enough for you, you can remove the softening soles from the bottom of the massage wells. Doing this will drastically increase the intensity on your soles!

Cloud Touch Massage Intensity

First things first, what in the world is cloud touch!?

Cloud touch is a fancy way of saying air massage. Essentially, cloud touch is an air compression massage that can be done on the full body or focused down to specific areas such as the arms and shoulders, legs and feet, back and waist etc.

The XT2 is equipped with a total of 36 airbags. These have been placed in various areas of the chair such as the arms, calves, feet, shoulders, hips, and thighs. The idea is to have pulsating airbags (or air cells) massage various regions of the body where the main rollers cannot reach.

Another important function of the airbags is to firmly hold the body in place during stretch routines.

Novo XT2 Cloud Touch

Just like roller intensity, airbag intensity can also be altered to suit your desired needs. You can pick from 5 intensity levels ranging from weak to strong.

Important: a highly intense airbag massage can feel pretty uncomfortable (speaking from experience here!), so I highly recommend you start of with a low intensity setting and then build your way up accordingly with time!

If you don’t like the feeling of pulsating airbags squishing against you, you can always turn off cloud massage entirely. However, I recommend against doing this. For massage to be effective, it’s important for your muscles to experience a variety of techniques. The techniques provided by the rollers are one part, the airbags are another. When both are used in tandem, massage is not only a heck of a lot more effective, it feels awesome!

#6 Heat Therapy (Warm Air Technology)

I have a checklist of things I usually look for in a massage chair. Heat therapy is one of them. Concerning massage, application of heat is a lot more important than most people think. Heat does a lot more than just feel good!

Proper application of heat during massage helps the muscles relax and soften!

Why is this such a big deal? Well for a second I want you to imagine the muscles in your back. Think of how easy it would be to manipulate and massage something that’s soft and pliable, versus something that’s stiff and hard. If you’re in the shoes of a masseuse, the less effort/pressure you need to expend, the happier you will be!

As far as massage chairs are concerned, heat therapy on stiff areas will allow the rollers to do their job in the most effective way possible. And just so you know, an effective massage is something we should all strive for. An effective massage is what makes us more mobile, more relaxed, and ultimately free of pain. Hopefully you get the point!

The Novo XT2 is equipped with Warm Air technology (A Human Touch patent). Unlike conventional heating pads, Warm Air technology allows for circulation of warm air around the back. How can I describe it? Have you ever sat on a heating pad before? Chances are you have! If so, you’ll know how uncomfortably hot they can get, almost like your skin is being burnt.

Warm Air technology is drastically different!

The circulating air for one is incredibly comforting, and for two it’s better distributed across the back instead of being focused on one area.

Novo XT2 Heat Therapy

Note: if you don’t enjoy the feeling of heat therapy, you can simply turn it off by accessing the settings on the remote control.

#7 Zero Gravity Recline

Zero gravity is simply a recline position where the body is known to experience the least stress. The stress on the spine is at a minimum, the lungs are at a relaxed state, and as such blood circulation is enhanced throughout the body.

It may seem like you’re sitting in a horizontal position, but that’s not what zero gravity is. When your legs form an angle of approximately 128 degrees with your torso, and your feet are elevated above the heart, this is zero gravity!

Novo XT2 Zero Gravity

Reclining to zero gravity has never been easier. There’s a “G” button located near the bottom of the remote. Push this and the chair will automatically recline to zero gravity!

#8 Smartphone Control—Apple Or Android!

Remember the days of the good ol flip phone? You could toss it in your backpack with your shoes and a million other things and it’d still be fine. Forget about doing that with your smartphone!

Everyone has a smartphone today. People use them to bank, control the heat in their house, and even to start their cars!

Well now you can also control the Human Touch Novo XT2 directly from your android or iOS device!

All you gotta do is download and install the app. The rest is cookie cutter!

Novo XT2 Smartphone Control

#9 It Comes In A Plethora Of Colors!

The chair’s material is constructed from synthetic leather (AKA faux leather). Your choices for color are as follows: black, red, gray, cream, and espresso.

What color do you think looks best? My vote goes to the red! Leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite color is!

Remember to give some thought about aesthetics before you select a color. Try to pick something that matches or blends in with the rest of your furniture.


Human Touch Novo XT2 Massage Chair Specifications

  • Human Touch Novo XT2 Massage Chair Specs
  • Roller Type: L-Track
  • Roller Length: 50 Inches
  • Total Airbags: 36
  • Upright Dimensions: 63"L X 31"W X 43"H
  • Recline Dimensions: 71"L X 31"W X 38"H
  • Chair Material: Synthetic Leather
  • Recommended Height Range: 5’0 – 6’9 ft
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 285 lbs
  • Power Usage: 1.3A


Human Touch Novo XT2 Massage Chair Pros & Cons


Height Range Is Unreal!
With a height range of 5’0-6’9 ft, the XT2 can accommodate just about every user. It’s not the lower limit that surprises me here, it’s the higher. Not many chairs go more than 6’4 ft. This one’s an exception!
For A Chair This Big...
I love how a chair this big only needs 2” of wall clearance. That means placement in tight spaces won’t be an issue for most folks. Kudos to Human Touch for implementing this as an improvement to the Novo series!
35 Auto Modes!
And that doesn’t even include the deep tissue modes! 35 auto modes will keep you occupied for a long long time. All these auto modes are a good thing though, because now you don’t have to mess around trying to figure out the manual settings!


It Ain't Exactly Cheap!
You can check out the latest pricing on Wish Rock Relaxation by clicking the link below. Last time I checked, it ain’t exactly cheap! Then again, it is a high end premium product, so maybe it does warrant an expensive price tag? You be the judge!



Novo, Novo XT, Novo XT2: What Are The Differences?

Difference #1: 2D Vs. 3D Rollers

Novo is the oldest chair in the generation, and because it was released years ago, it comes equipped with 2D rollers. Novo XT/XT2 are newer, recently released chairs equipped with 3D roller technology.

Difference #2: Auto Modes

Not a massive difference, but worth mentioning anyways. Novo has a total of 32 auto programs, XT has 34, and XT2 tops the list at 35.

Difference #3: Required Wall Clearance

Did you know the original Novo required almost a foot (9 inches to be accurate) of wall clearance!? This has been drastically improved on the subsequent XT & XT2 models, which only require 2 inches of clearance from back of the chair to the wall.

Difference #4: USB Port

The original Novo does not have an integrated USB port, whereas the XT/XT2 do have this feature. Definitely not a deal breaker, but worth making note of!

Difference #5: Price

The price is exactly as you’d expect it to be: Novo is the cheapest, XT is somewhere in between, and XT2 is the most expensive. Also, the XT is discontinued so it’s hard to find many retailers that still carry the chair, although there still are a few.


So What Are The Differences Between The XT & XT2?

There really aren’t all that many to be honest (source: massage-chair-relief).

Price—XT2 is slightly more expensive than it’s predecessor.
Speakers—XT2 has an upgraded Altec Lansing sound system.
Remote—XT2 has a better designed, easier to use remote control.
Color—Espresso replaces the light brown color scheme in the XT.

That’s basically it. Other than the 4 differences noted above, the XT and XT2 aren’t all that different.


But How Does The Human Touch Novo XT2 Compare To Other 3D Massage Chairs?

We’ve seen how the Novo and Novo XT compare to the Novo XT2, but how does the Novo XT2 compare to other massage chairs with 3D rollers? Let’s see how the Novo XT2 stacks up against the following 2 chairs:

Osaki OS Pro Ekon
Osaki OS Pro Ekon Massage Chair White & CreamA new addition to the Osaki family, the Pro Ekon was only recently released in 2018. It’s incredibly similar to the Novo XT2 in that they both have 3D rollers with an extended SL-Track. Check out my full review of the Pro Ekon by clicking here!
Titan Pro Jupiter XL
Pro Jupiter XL ComparisonIf we’re talking massage chairs with 3D rollers, the Titan Pro Jupiter XL is my personal favorite. It’s a fantastic chair that comes jam packed with all the bells and whistles, minus the “hole burning” price tag! Check out the full review here!
  • Osaki Pro Ekon
  • $$$$

  • 49″ SL-Track

    Roller Track
  • 6

    Auto Modes
  • Yes

    Calf Rollers
  • Yes

    Kneading Calf Airbags
  • Lower Back Only

    Heating Pads
  • Titan Pro Jupiter XL
  • $$

  • 53″ L-Track

    Roller Track
  • 10

    Auto Modes
  • No

    Calf Rollers
  • No

    Kneading Calf Airbags
  • Lower Back, Seat, & Calves

    Heating Pads
  • Human Touch Novo XT2
  • $$$$$

  • 50″ SL-Track

    Roller Track
  • 35

    Auto Modes
  • No

    Calf Rollers
  • No

    Kneading Calf Airbags
  • Lower Back Only

    Heating Pads

Note: the above comparisons are only the key differences between the 3 chairs. There are other differences I didn’t list here because I didn’t feel they would greatly impact functionality, or my overall buying decision.


Moment Of Truth: Should You Buy The Novo XT2 Massage Chair?

Well, well, well, well! The best part about this review post, at least for me! A lot of people are going to disagree with what I have to say, but I’m gonna say it anyways.


Allow me to elaborate. While the XT2 is a phenomenal chair functionality wise, its price tag just doesn’t make sense to me. Even with the 35 auto modes, and the incredibly versatile height range, the pricing is way off.


Let me reiterate: I have nothing against the XT2, it’s just that I can’t wrap my head around the pricing. I know some people will disagree with me, but that’s fine.

I have reviewed 30 odd chairs to this point and so I have a good idea on how reasonably/unreasonably a massage chair is priced. I make this comment based on this experience. That being said, I hope you can respect my view on the matter. If you disagree, drop me a comment below and let’s get some further discussion going! I’m all for constructive debates!

If not the Novo XT2, what should you buy?



It’s versatile, got lots of auto modes, along with a 53” track, but best of all…’s economical! It’s extremely good bang for your buck!


What About The Novo Or Novo XT? Buy Or Pass?

Pass both times! Just like the XT2, pricing doesn’t make sense for both the Novo and the Novo XT.


A Sneak Peek At The SuperNovo!

Human Touch are planning to release a successor to the XT2 later this year.

Step forth the SuperNovo!

Here's What The Highly Anticipated Super Novo Looks Like!
Here’s What The Highly Anticipated Super Novo Looks Like! (Credit: Human Touch)

If you’re not excited, you should be! Here’s a bit of what it can do:

Amazon Alexa—SuperNovo will be the first ever chair that can pair with Amazon’s Alexa. The result is a virtual therapist!
Meditation Programs—First as far as massage chairs go. The SuperNovo will have meditation modes!
38 Automatic Massage Modes—Thought 35 was a bit too much? The Super Novo has 38 auto massage routines!
4D Rollers—An upgrade to the 3D system on the XT2, the SuperNovo comes equipped with state of the art 4D rollers!

If you wanna learn more about the upcoming SuperNovo, check out this post on Human Touch’s website! I expect to write a detailed review of the chair when it’s commercially released, so stay tuned.


And That’s A Wrap!

I hope you got some value out of this post. If you did, please consider sharing on the social platforms. If you have any questions, please drop me a comment below. Otherwise, i’ll see you in the next one!

About Eve

Just an average bloke intrigued by massage and its incredible benefits. Oh, did I mention I also own a massage chair? More on that in the blog posts!

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